Make time for Jesus this Christmas,
God’s special gift to you and to all humanity.
You are warmly invited to join us in our celebrations at our Christmas services at
All Saints’ Church, Ascot Heath
Sunday 1st December
10.30am Family Gift Service (All Saints’ Church)
Please bring a gift to donate to Homestart. Suggested gifts are - Chocolate Selection Boxes, Books (age 0-5 years), Pyjamas (age 0-5 years)
Please note that these should all be left UNWRAPPED.
Sunday 22nd December
6.30pm Carols by Candlelight (All Saints’ Church)
Tuesday 24th December
3.30pm Crib Service (All Saints’ Church)
Children welcome to come dressed up and join in our Nativity.
11.00pm Midnight Mass (All Saints’ Church)
Wednesday 25th December
8.00am Mass (All Saints’ Church)
9.00am Mass with Carols (Chapel of Ss Mary & John)
10.30am Parish Festival Mass (All Saints’ Church)
All Saints’ Church, London Road, Ascot, SL5 8DQ
Chapel of Ss Mary & John, King Edward’s Road, North Ascot, SL5 8PD