We Give Because He First Gave
Regular giving helps All Saints' Church meet its planned expenditure during the year.
If you wish to give to All Saints' Church through one of our Planned Giving schemes, or change your level of giving, you can get information and forms from the contacts and links below.
Details may also be obtained from the Parish Office.
- If you wish to give by Standing Order, please contact our treasurer, or download a standing order mandate here and send it to your bank. If you have online banking, you can usually set up a standing order yourself using our details provided on the mandate.
- Parish Giving Scheme- A big thank you to all parishioners who have signed up to the Parish Giving Scheme. It is very much welcomed and appreciated. As Parish Giving does the heavy lifting with Gift Aid, it takes away substantial administrative overhead and expense from our treasurer and improves our cash flow. However, only about 40% of our regular givers are signed up to this scheme. Please consider moving to it. The details can be found at https://www.parishgiving.org.uk/home/. Search for All Saints, Ascot Heath (PGS code 270627322). And don't forget to cancel your existing standing order! Any queries can be directed to Frs Darrell and David, and Brian Bence, Church Warden.
- If you are a UK tax payer, you can increase the value of your giving through the Gift Aid Scheme - you can get details from our treasurer, or download the Gift Aid Declaration here and return it to the Parish Office.
By making a Pledge for your giving, you can help All Saints to plan its expenditure better - you can get details from the Parish Office.
If you feel unable at this time to attend public services at All Saints, especially if you usually give by the weekly envelope scheme, we would appreciate any giving you can make via our Paypal link below.
Giving your time
This is as important as giving your money! If it wasn't for the dozens of people who give their time on a regular or ad-hoc basis, our church life wouldn't be as rich as it is. Please give some of your time, even if only for an hour, so that we can achive miracles.
I can't come into church to volunteer - why not help with the web site, do administration on one of the rotas, make phone calls?
I can't commit regularly - could you help with Ascot week parking or catering. Look out for appeals for help, or spot a job you could do and offer to do it?
There are lots of ways we can all help. Please join in.
All Saints’ Church General Fund Giving Page
Running our church buildings and providing the support services to our community is an expensive operation and we need a regular flow of funds to support us.
Could you help support our work either with a one off or regular donation?
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 6:21
I would like to make a donation - click here Donate to AS Church general funds This link is temporarily broken. Please use the Paypal link above if you wish to donate to All Saints Church.
I would like to know more - click here for more information.