Revd Dr Darrell D. Hannah, Rector
(01344 621200)



Parish Office (Julie Deane - Parish Administrator - enquiries)
(01344 884686)


Director of Music Vacancy


All Saints' Church, Ascot is looking for an energetic and skilled musician to continue the exciting developments in music which have been enhancing the worship of our congregation over recent years. The position has become vacant because the current post holder has been appointed as Director of Music at All Saints’, Marlow. The successful applicant should be able to take up the position as soon as possible.

Parish of Ascot Heath

Ascot Heath is a diverse suburban parish of some 9,000 residents, with good rail and road links to London, Reading, and Guildford. All Saints' Church, together with the Chapel of St Mary & St John in North Ascot, has an electoral roll of 183 and average Sunday worship (across three services) usually numbers around 100. All age groups are represented within the congregation. All Saints' Church parish celebrated its 150th birthday in 2014. The worship tradition of the parish is modern Catholic and traditional in style, though we like to think that we give a 21st-century welcome to everyone from whatever background. The principal service is the Sunday morning Parish Mass at 10.30am and since Covid the service has also been live streamed. The congregation is representative of our local population. About 65% of the congregation is made up of parish residents; the other 35% comprises members who travel from neighbouring villages because they prefer the style of worship and the warm community at All Saints.


Music at All Saints

The Senior Choir

The long-established Senior Choir currently numbers 18 members (7 sopranos, 5 contraltos, 1 tenor and 4 basses) with scope for growth. The singers are neither auditioned nor paid but are a very experienced amateur choir with some strong and gifted singers, including some professional musicians.  The choir as a whole is a great asset to the church.  Many perform other duties, such as PCC members etc.  In addition to preparing a weekly anthem plus psalm and hymns on all but the first Sunday of the month, the choir works in the first few months of the year towards Holy Week, and in the last few months for the Advent and Christmas carol services. Occasionally, they sing at neighbouring churches: for example, annually on Ascension Day and, in the past, we have celebrated Corpus Christi with another parish and there has been an annual roving Deanery Evensong.  There is scope for reviving the latter two of these.  Occasionally the choir is augmented by additional experienced choristers for Festivals and special occasions.

The choir usually sings carols at nursing homes and over the past few years several members have joined in with a local group for a Celebration of Christmas Concert. Occasional other concerts are well supported such as the recent Autunm Festival concert series.  The Choir meet socially including a Christmas get together.

The singers willingly turn out, as far as they are able, for weddings and funerals and provide their services gratis. Robes are provided by the parish.

The repertory includes anthems both traditional and modern, and the library is well-stocked and ordered by a competent choir librarian and choir secretary. 


The Junior Choir

The Junior Choir currently numbers 7 (4 girls and 3 boys) aged between 7 and 12 years.  They are very keen, quick and eager to learn.  Attendance at rehearsals is good.  They sing at All Saints’ Together services (the main mass on the first Sunday of the month), join in weddings, services at Easter, All Saints’ Day and Christmas.  The RSCM Voice for Life scheme is followed and several have earned ribbons.  Several are at the standard for the Bronze award.  Historically, the Junior Choir performs their own concerts.  The Junior Choir members are paid a small sum per attendance (minimum requirement of one service attended per month) quarterly in arrears, according to experience. Social events are organized by choir parents periodically.

The Junior Choir at All Saints is the only one in the deanery and is an excellent source for growth in the church - members regularly act as servers; their parents are often drawn into the church's life through the Junior Choir.  An experienced and gifted musician will be guiding the Junior Choir during the Interregnum. 


The Band

The Band, which accompanies the All Saints Together services on the first Sunday of the month, the Christmas Eve Crib Service, and occasional other services, currently comprises 6 members (violin, flute, trombone, accordion, bass guitar, and drums) in addition to the DoM at the piano. The band's work currently stretches only to hymns/songs and a congregational mass setting, but the standard is high and the camaraderie excellent.


The Organ and Pianos

The organ is a four-rank extension instrument, now over 50 years old. The main diapason rank was never extended down the extra octave so the bass must be used creatively. The instrument is tuned three times a year.  Historic fundraising has left c. £5k in the organ fund for upkeep and future repairs. The instrument is not going to attract a concert organist, but it works well and rarely plays up.


The Alison grand piano is a great asset and has enhanced rehearsals and services over the years, as well as giving the opportunity to present professional concerts such as the recent Autumn Festival Concert Series which took place in October.  It also provides an opportunity to use the church building for piano lessons and examinations. An excellent Clavinova keyboard is also in place in the choir vestry for use during rehearsals when required.



Schedule of Services/Practices

The Junior Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings in church (6.30-7.30pm), and the Senior Choir rehearses directly following (7.30-9pm).  There is always a pre-service practice, at 9.45 am.  The band rehearse on Friday evenings.


The following table lists the regular pattern of monthly services and usual musical elements:

Sunday of the month

Morning (10:30am)

Evening (6:30pm)


All Saints Together

  • Band
  • Junior Choir
  • Simple Congregational mass setting and Hymns led from the piano
  • Anthem



Parish Mass (CW)

  • Congregational Mass setting
  • Three Hymns plus one/two communion hymns
  • Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation
  • Choir anthem
  • Opening and closing voluntaries

Evensong and Sermon (BCP)

  • Ferial responses
  • Canticles and Psalms to Anglican Chant
  • Three hymns
  • Opening and Closing voluntaries

Third, Fourth, Fifth

Parish Mass (CW)

  • Congregational Mass setting
  • Three Hymns plus one/two communion hymns
  • Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Acclamation
  • Choir anthem
  • Opening and closing voluntaries



Special Services

Some midweek feasts and holy days are celebrated with hymns and an anthem. This normally includes Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Ascension Day, Corpus Christi, All Souls Requiem Mass and Christmas services. Some of these services are shared with other local parishes, and musical co-ordination is shared with other churches.

The Role of the Director of Music

It is expected that The Director of Music;

  • will direct practices, and direct and accompany the music at sung services, subject to holiday entitlement.
  • will work to further the musical education of choristers and help choir members of all ages to enjoy their musicianship.
  • will prepare the first draft of the music list, either termly or monthly, for consideration by the Incumbent.
  • holds a position of pastoral responsibility within the choir. Good communication and administrative skills are essential.
  • will work to attract new members to the choir.
  • will accompany music at pastoral services for an additional fee including weddings (approx. 4-6 p.a.), funerals (approx. 8-10 p.a.) and memorial services - a list of deputies is available.
  • will ensure that Junior and Senior Choir social events are arranged throughout the year.
  • will order and provide copies of new music as required.
  • will arrange for deputies to cover his/her duties when taking annual leave or unavailable.
  • will be responsible for the regular maintenance and tuning of the organ in collaboration with the Incumbent and Churchwardens.
  • will work with the clergy, PCC and congregation to continue to develop a rich diversity of styles of music, helping everyone to find ways of connecting with God through worship.
  • will play a leading role in keeping under review the worship life of the parish.
  • will have a quarterly meeting with the Incumbent.
  • will serve as the parish's lead for music and worship arts in the deanery.
  • will be supportive of and enthusiastic towards the mission of All Saints' Church and the parish as a whole.
  • will be a communicant member of the church universal; and
  • will be a supportive and enthusiastic member of All Saints' Church.


Person Specification








Good honours degree in music or related subject, or extensive experience.


Previous experience as musician/singer.


Experience of choral directing.


Commitment to continuing professional development.

Experience of using the RSCM Voice for Life training scheme.


Experience as an organist.


Experience of working with children and young people.

Knowledge, skills, and abilities

Abilities to play the organ and/or piano to a high standard.


Knowledge of a breadth of church music and liturgy.


Ability to recruit and retain children and adults as singers and instrumentalists.


Ability to manage teams of people and to develop their talent and potential.


Vision for the place of music in the growth and outreach of a mission shaped church.


Commitment to Christian discipleship.

Willingness to engage in planning liturgies and service structures.


Ability to collaborate and work empathetically with other church groups e.g. children’s and young people’s groups.


Well developed organisational, interpersonal and presentational skills


Contract Details

The Director of Music is accountable to the Rector and will be employed by the Parochial Church Council of All Saints' Church. The employment contract will be in accordance with current UK legislation and canons of the Church of England.

The salary will be paid monthly in arrears in the range recommended by the RSCM for a Director of Music, depending on experience and ability.  The salary will be reviewed annually with approval by the PCC.  RSCM recommended fees for other services will be paid and reviewed annually between the Director of Music and the Incumbent.

The Director of Music is entitled to up to six weeks of holiday per year in consultation with the Incumbent. Holiday should not be taken over the Holy Week, Easter and Christmas periods. 

The Director of Music may use the organ for private practice whenever the church is not otherwise in use, subject to scheduling.

The Director of Music may use the organ (and, where applicable, the piano) to give lessons and pupils may use it for a reasonable amount of practice, provided the times of those lessons do not impinge upon other uses of the church.


Child Protection

The appointment is subject to an enhanced DBS disclosure. The Director of Music will adhere to and support the Parish Safeguarding Policy.



Hopes and Expectations

It is very much hoped that the successful applicant will build and develop the musical education of local children through participation in the Junior Choir, which has become a hallmark of All Saints' life as well as take a leading role in securing the future of music both traditional and contemporary in parish life in the following ways:

  • The parish's musical life is a major interface with our local community for outreach and evangelism. It is hoped that the successful applicant will seek to further this desire, to the glory of God and in the service of his church.
  • Maintaining the excellence of the choir is a priority, and we would therefore be willing to consider an experienced Choir Director, able to accompany from the piano, but with a willingness to learn the organ once in post.


Further Details and Application

Applicants must provide a Curriculum Vitae, a covering letter explaining why you believe you are suited to this post, and the name and addresses of two referees (one of whom should be your present employer and, if you work in a church, the Incumbent). The successful applicant will be required to demonstrate their eligibility to work in the UK. Applications should be sent to:

The Revd Dr Darrell D. Hannah

All Saints' Rectory, London Road, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8DQ.


Shortlisted candidates wil be invited to interview on a date to be agreed. Candidates will be asked to play a hymn and to play an excerpt of a voluntary of their choice. Candidates may also be asked to direct members of the choir in practice for about 20 minutes. The exact nature of the audition and music used will be notified when candidates are asked to attend. There will be an opportunity for candidates to practise on the organ early on the day of interview or by prior arrangement with the Incumbent.


If you have any questions about the position or the application process these may be directed to the Incumbent (



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