Our Faith
“God is love, and those who live in love live in God and God in them.”
(1 John 4:16)
We believe that God is love, He is the source of all loving. He created each of us to know, to love and enjoy Him. As an ancient Christian writer put it, “You have made us for yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” However, common human experience demonstrates that we are not very good at loving; we often, without intending to, hurt the very ones we love the most. Selfishness, pride and self-centredness reaches deep into the core of our nature and our lives are disordered. So God set out to liberate us through his Son, Jesus Christ. It is in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus that we see what God is like. It is through Jesus we have come to experience God’s love, his liberation from disordered lives, and the gift of the Spirit of God who enables us to live and to love freely. Thus, our faith is a living relationship with God through his Son and the Spirit of God.
Our faith is nurtured and informed by the Bible and the classic summaries of Christian beliefs, the Apostles’ and the Nicene Creeds. Our faith is both personal and shared; in belonging to Jesus, we also belong to his people. So our faith is lived in community with all who believe and follow Jesus. Together we meet to worship God and together we work for a better world. Our faith is sustained by the promise of a day when God’s perfect and just rule will be realised in this world and in all creation. So our faith is both reflective and active. Come join us at All Saints as we seek to live in God’s love and share it with our community and the world.