UPDATE 21st March 2025
3rd Sunday of Lent - Sunday 23rd March 2025 10.30am
You are invited to a Livestream of Mass at 10.30am.
The service will take place on the website www.zoom.us or via the App if you have downloaded it.
Contact the Parish office on 01344 884686 or office@all-saints-ascot.org for the link to the Livestream.
A copy of the Order of Service can be seen here.
8.00am Sunday Mass at All Saints' Church
09.00am Sunday Mass at Chapel of St Mary & St John
10.30am Sunday Mass at All Saints' Church
- We will ensure that hand sanitiser continues to be made available and we will continue to encourage its use upon entry to the church; it will continue to be available for those who wish to use it just prior to receiving Communion.
If you attend the 10.30am service please be aware that this will be livestreamed via Zoom for those at home who feel they are not ready to resume public worship. - We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation locally and be guided by any changes in guidance, and therefore may seek to reimpose some restrictions if it is deemed necessary and can be justified.
Toilets in the hall will be open for use during Mass
The church is now also open for individual prayer on weekdays during daylight hours.
Thank you for helping to ensure the safety for everyone.
Midweek Compline will next take place Wednesday 26th March 2025 at 7.30pm. Compline is a short service of quietness and reflection before rest at the end of the day.Contact the Parish Office for the link to the service.
The Men's Breakfast group continue to meet weekly. For the time being meetings take place on Zoom on Saturday afternoons at 2pm. Contact the Parish Office for the Meeting ID and Password if you have not already received them and would like to join in.
Adult and Youth Confirmation
Fr Darrell will be offering a Confirmation course for adults this Autumn/Winter. If you would like to be confirmed or would like to explore the Christian faith or would like a refresher course in what Christians believe, please speak to Fr Darrell.
Music during Communion
We have been blessed with the variety of music supplied by our choir and musicians during our Zoom services and the accompanying images and videos. If you'd like to listen again to these we have made some available via Dropbox at this link.
Thoughts from a Cloistered House - Canon Dr Grant Bayliss writes about spiritual communion for Anglicans here. What can we do when we cannot physically partake of the bread and wine at communion?
Copies of Sunday sermons
Sunday 8th December can be seen here.
Sunday 15th December can be seen here
Sunday 22nd December can be seen here.
Midnight Mass 24th December can be seen here.
Sunday 5th January can be seen here.
Sunday 12th January can be seen here.
Sunday 19th January can be seen here.
Sunday 9th February can be seen here.
Sunday 16th February can be seen here.
Sunday 23rd February can be seen here.
Ash Wednesday 5th March can be seen here.
Sunday 9th March can be seen here.
Sunday 16th March can be seen here.
Funerals - The Church of England has produced a simple reflection that can be used at home on the day of a funeral you can't attend. It's so difficult when you can’t go to a funeral, whether for family, friend or neighbour. Many are facing this in the current crisis, so this short reflection has been specially written by a vicar for you to do at home, alone or with those who share your home. You might ask others to take part at the same time from their home. It is available to see here.