The revision of the Electoral Roll has now been completed. A copy is on the noticeboard at the back of the church and at the Chapel if you wish to check your entry.
The 2024 Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held on Sunday 21st April in All Saints’ Church starting at approx. 12.15/12.30 pm, following the 10.30am Mass. This meeting usually lasts for about an hour, and refreshments will be served in All Saints Church Hall before the meeting. Those wishing to join by Zoom should stay on-line following the service or log-in using the same details.
If you are over 16 years of age, and your name has been on the Electoral Roll more than 6 months, you are eligible to be nominated for election to the PCC. Parish Church Councils support the clergy in the running and management of the parish.
Meetings take place every other month and are currently being held via Zoom. They generally start at 7.00 pm and last for approximately 2 hours. The term of membership is normally three years and members are eligible for re-election for two further three-year terms. The role of the PCC is an important ministry and if you feel that you might be called to help our church in this way please contact Fr Darrell or Sheila Sparks (PCC secretary) for further information and a nomination form.
Attached here are 1) the report for the meeting which includes the agenda, minutes for last year’s meetings and updates from our various organisations,
2) All Saints 2023 Trustees Annual Report and Accounts
If you have an item you wish to bring up under 13. AOB please let Fr Darrell know, in writing, by Monday 15th April, copied to PCC Secretary