Revd Dr Darrell D. Hannah, Rector
(01344 621200)



Parish Office (Julie Deane - Parish Administrator - enquiries)
(01344 884686)


Book Car Parking Online

Book Car Parking

Car parking is priced at £35 per car. Cars only please. If you have a much larger vehicle please call Julie on 01344 884686

or email for pricing & availability. 

Online Booking for cars only 17th to 21st June 2025. 

Car Model & Registration





Car park spaces can also be booked by sending the booking form with cheque payment.



Directions from the North

From the M4 junction 6, take the A332 heading south towards Windsor.

After 1.5 miles, you will arrive at a roundabout at the end of the dual carriageway. Take the third exit onto Imperial Road (B3173) signposted towards Ascot and Bagshot.

After 0.5 miles, you will arrive at a traffic lit T Junction; turn right onto the B3022 (St Leonards Road) heading towards Ascot and Bagshot.

Follow this road for approximately 2.5 miles passing over two roundabouts on the way (the entrance to Legoland is a landmark on the second roundabout).

At the third roundabout, take the 1st exit onto the B383, still heading towards Ascot and Bagshot.

After 1 mile, you will arrive at another roundabout – this is a stretched roundabout in the shape of long peanut; take the third exit onto the A332 signposted Ascot.

Follow this road for about 1.5 miles, arriving at two linked mini-roundabouts – take the 1st exit at the first roundabout, and the 2nd exit at the second roundabout – effectively staying on the A322.

Ascot Racecourse will now be the landmark on your left hand side.

After 1 mile you will find a mini-roundabout, where you take the 1st exit, and then almost immediately a large roundabout where you take the 3rd exit onto the London Road (A329).

All Saints Church is approximately 50 metres from the roundabout on the right.

Directions from the East and South

From the M3 junction 3, take the A322 heading north-east towards Bracknell.

After 0.5 miles, there is a set of traffic lights; go straight on.

After a further 1.5 miles (passing under the A30 on the way), you will arrive at a stretched roundabout. Take the 2nd exit onto the A332 (note this road number change) heading towards Ascot and Windsor.

Follow this road for about 3 miles, when you will join the large roundabout at the bottom of Ascot Race Course; take the 1st exit onto the London Road (A329).

All Saints Church is approximately 50 metres from the roundabout on the right.

Directions from the West

From the M4 junction 10, take the A329(M), heading south-west towards Bracknell.

After 3 miles, take the slip road to the left, and then take the first exit at the roundabout, following the B3048 towards Bracknell.

Follow the signs to Bracknell Town Centre, and at the inner ring road, follow signs for the A329, heading for Ascot.

After leaving the inner ring road, the A329 is called London Road, and this takes you directly to Ascot.

Landmarks after leaving the Bracknell inner ring road are:

The second roundabout is called the Running Horse roundabout, after the pub by this junction

At the next roundabout is a well lit new Mercedes garage

At the next set of traffic lights, is a pub called The Foresters

Go over the next set of traffic lights, and All Saints Church is approximately 0.5 miles on the left hand side just before the roundabout at the bottom of Ascot Race Course

By train

The nearest railway station is Ascot – this is on the southern loop between Reading and Waterloo.

The station is about 1.5 miles from the Church – taxis are normally waiting outside the station, or can be ordered in advance.

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